OSI photos

Stockage de Ressources Photos et Vidéo du réseau OSI


- To access the original images without protection, you must log in.
- To log in, you must first register on this osi-photos website, using the global password that you received by email.
Each website of the NGO is independant. You must create a user account on each website.
You can ask for this global password again to the person who registered you with the NGO (this global password allows to guarantee the security of access to the images, we cannot give it here).

Japon 1998-2000


2 files, last one added on Oct 17, 2015
Album viewed 231 times



1 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - 2000-2004
71 viewsThomas EGLI
61 viewsThomas EGLI

Last additions - 2000-2004
71 viewsThomas EGLIOct 17, 2015
61 viewsThomas EGLIOct 17, 2015